User Experience Personalization
The COR AI algorithms track usage of the website while the user is browsing and positions messages and offers that the user are most likely to respond to. This real time experience optimization allows us to further fine tune the experience not just based on the profile of the user but also actions that she / he is taking on the website during that session. We can help influence the order in which search results show up, catalogues are displayed and coupons are shown to the user.

Product Recommenders
Based on the various intelligent COR AI API, we can track the end user behaviour and recommend them the products with great relevancy formulated on intelligent activity analysing algorithms. This way we increase the product selling ratio along with delivering maximum intelligence to the vendors for organizing strategic ways to penetrate the market perfectly.

AI Powered CRM
By analyzing social profiles and website activities of the leads AI helps marketers understand what consumers want and need. In other words, AI can monitor someone's word choice, their online clicking, to learn more about them and what possible actions they'll take.